Sunday, April 10, 2011

16 months post, Rough Week, Nonnie Visits, and Austin Zoo!

  • Harris you are 16 months - 9 days ago.

  • You weigh 18.9 lbs (-3%), Height 30in (10%), Head 47.5 (50-75%). Still very small with a big brain! What you are up to:

  • You love bubbles (and can say the word very well),

  • You are really into climbing - especially in and out of the chairs - you are so proud of yourself.

  • You love animals - especially on youtube. Before kids I would have wondered why anyone would film their cows mooing or pigs oinking, sheep baaing, etc - BUT now I know!!! Toddlers love to watch it! You point to the computer and say "Moo".That means "mommy turn on youtube to the cows mooing".

  • You eat French toast for breakfast or apple poptarts, Lunch is usually hotdog, chicken, turkey, or ground beef, peas or greenbeans, sweet potatoes, and apples or blueberries, or grapes. Snack is a PB&J and banana, and dinner about the same as lunch. Still not a good eater! Would rather eat fruit all day and raisins. And you love French Fries and wendys hamburger - we treat you once a week. (that's usually the best meal you eat)

  • Love to stroll around the block.

  • Words: Bubbles, Hot, Elmo (love to watch Sesame Street), All the animal sounds, up, out, dog poop, hot dog, Reece, Remi, nigh night, that's all I can think of for now..

We went to the Zoo this weekend. The Austin Zoo is really not a zoo but a non profit rescue facility for abandoned animals. You really soaked everything in. You liked the sheep, the goats, the pigs, and the wooden duck! Mommy really enjoyed seeing the Molly the lion trying to get back into her house that the zoo keepers were cleaning (she really worked at pawing the door). They also had bears, tigers, prairie dogs, and lots of monkeys. Next time Nonnie comes to town we will have to take her!

Daddy and you with the duck! You saw it first and said " duck". You love ducks.

Hanging out in the stroller - it was hot, even for April! Will have to go at 6am in the summer! You LOVE the dishwasher, we try to load the dishes when you aren't looking, because you love to grab the silverware and run... not the safest thing. We have decided to hand wash all the knives because too many times we look away and you of course grab the sharpest objects!

Dinner with DJ, Taylor, and Nonnie

You and Taylor in the sandbox

Nonnie and Baby Uncle D Nonnie and Taylor
Taylor pushing you - this was funny because she barely could reach the swing!

We had a rough past week with being sick! It started with allergies and then turned to an ear infection with a stopped up tube, 103.5 temp for 2 days. Nonnie had to come take care of you so we could go to work and you basically stopped eating for a week. And of course this would happen to you.... 5-15% of children who are vaccinated with the measles virus get a measles rash - and you were one of them! To end the rough week, you got the measles rash, had to be out of daycare again, and then were put on an antibiotic that gave you horrible diarrhea. Your great sleeping went away - we were loving the sleeping through the night! Now you literally are skin and bones, you are soo skinny! We wish you would love to eat and be a chunky baby!

Hopefully you will have a better week!