Saturday, March 26, 2011

A trip to the Ranch
Harris you love to look at your books and point to all the animals. Your favorites are cow, pig, horse, monkey, dog, cat, goat, sheep, and chicken. And you love to make their sounds. We took a trip to the ranch and you got to see a few in person. You were not so sure of the cows - you would climb across the car far away from them. It was funny for you to hear them "moo" in real life and not mommy and daddy making the sounds. You love to make the "moo" sound. We had a nice trip just the 3 of us. It was just a little hard cleaning the house and taking care of at the same time - very tiring for 2 pple!

you were funny with your bucket. After awhile we figured out what you were doing. You were acting as if it was your purse. You would pick it up and wave and say "Bye". You were copying mommy with her purse and leaving the house. Too funny!
teasing Reece

looking at the cows

this is a part of the morning routine. We set you down on the couch and run around to feed the dog (b/c of course they think they still come first) and make your bottle (yes you still have a morning bottle at 15 months!). And when we look at the couch their is a little head watching us!

throwing rocks at the lake

helping mommy mop

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