Saturday, February 12, 2011

14 Months

Okay so here goes. I am starting this blog to document your moments since the babybook hasn't been touched since you were 4 months! Things will be out of order in the beginning b/c I am going to try and go back and post about your birthday, etc.

Harris you are 14 months, actually 14 1/2!

What you are up to:
  • You love to play with the I-pad - Daddy downloaded Peter Rabbit and Peekabo books that you can touch and move the rabbits and animals.
  • Love rolling and laying on Reece - we tell you to "love on Reece", you love her dog bed as much as she does.
  • Love, love going outside! We have had a very cold January and we have had to stay in more than you would like.
  • You love to get in the dogs water bowl. We have to keep it up and the dogs are having to drink water outside or little bear will sneak into the bathroom - yuck!
  • You love playing with your cousins! We have gotten to play with Taylor a few times this month and she is great entertainment for you!
  • You are loving hitting things with your toys. You will pick up a toy and hit it against the tile or any surface that will make a loud noise! There goes my furniture - ha!
  • You are a BIG TALKER - and everyone tells us that - we think its normal b/c your the only one! One afternoon I picked you up at daycare early and everyone was still there and you were just walking around talking and talking (your own language). They tell us you love to stand up on the big mat and "preach". I don't think I heard the other kids say a peep! Just like Daddy - don't let anyone else get a word in - ha!
  • Words that you are repeating (I can't think of them all, you really are talking a lot right now. You repeat a lot that we say, but don't say it on your own.) Hot - the big word right now, especially since we have the logs on a lot. No - also a big word we hear many many times a day. Reece, Remi, Mama, Dada, Pop - ugh Daddy and Nonnie should have never let you have a sip - we have to hide our sodas from you!
  • You are sick every 2-3 weeks, with an ear infection, stomach bug, Roseola, etc. You name it you have gotten it!
  • You finally like to be read to. I thought the I would never be able to read a book to you! Until now you wouldn't sit in our laps for even a minute with a book - you are so active. You love to get your books and bring them to us. Most of the time it is right before nap time and bed time, when you are getting tired and ready to slow down. At school they tell us you love the reading center and will sit on the little couch and read the books.

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